Nov 14, 2007

Goodbye Moto Q

About a year ago, I wanted to Celebrate getting a new job. I decided to buy myself something I had been thinking about for some time: The motorola Q. After about five minutes I had come to my final thoughts: I love the Q. I can sync my Contacts, keep my calendar up to date, and in general only carry one device. Before, I had my Palm TX for my schedule, and my phone for my contacts (since my phone before the Q did not have BT.) Best Part, I can Sync it with my Mac! Granted, I needed some 3rd Party Software to get it to work, but worked!

Here comes the hard part...Last month, I stopped using it.  Did it break?  Far from it.  Did it not do something I wanted?  It did all I asked of it and more.   So what happened?

Verizon Happened.

Since my Q is considered a Smart Phone, all data traffic is billable.  That means any txt/pix messaging that goes on, is billable.  Having txt/pix plan?  That just saves me from the additional charge of .10 or .25 for the honor of receiving the message.   In order to have unlimited data and reasonable messaging?  100 bucks a month...compared to the 60 I pay now....

40 more a month...would it be worth it?  Perhaps...but for now my cheapness is winning this fight.

So for now, my warrior Q friend, I must bid you goodbye.  Perhaps at a later date we can remeet and relive our happy times....remember getting the tree last year and sending messages to G&S to find them?  Good times.  Good times indeed.

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